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Currency of Beorcholt

Thank you for all the interest in Crescent Tides! My next project is to finish writing a goofy fantasy story I started years ago. To whet your appetite, here’s a draft of Appendix A. It explains in lucid detail the currency system of the fictional kingdom of Beorcholt… 

Appendix  A – Currency of Beorcholt[1]

Bezant (҉) – equal to a staggering 1,000,000 Pazoozas.
Pazooza (₱) – equal to 25 drachmas.
Drachma (ð) – fits in there somehow.
Ducat (Đ) – 1.56 ducat is equal to 12 gilders, or as much as ½ Bezant, depending on the current height of the great Birch tree in Morbeam.
Dollar (ʥ) – worth exactly 0.44 ducats, which is equal to 24 gilders.
Gilder (₡) – ¼ ounce weight of birch bark, or 0.13 ducat.
Franc (Җ) – equal to the weight of 2 fields of rose petals and worth 5 ducats most of the year…but only ½ Haypenny during the winter months.
Moolah (Ӎ) – 2 moolahs make 1 gilder.
Haypenny(Ѭ) – equal to a measly 1/16 moolah.
So, for example if you wanted to buy an ax to clear the birchgrove on your farm, the grocer might charge you 10Đ, 3₡. But if you only had a 5ʥ note in your pocket and your coin-purse only contained a couple of Ӎ and a Җ, you might pay for the ax with 5ʥ, 3Ӎ, 1Җ and get 4Ѭ in change. After which the grocer would probably rerun the calculations on his abacus a couple of times before handing you the ax, and take back the 4Ѭ change, and then make you wash dishes for a half-hour to make up for the amount you were probably undercharged for the ax (neither you or the grocer would be completely certain…in all probability). Alternately, you could scrap Mad Floydd’s currency system entirely, and just trade the grocer three chickens for the ax and go your merry way. But then you’d look backward and stupid.

[1] Symbols of currency are in parenthesis, which look like this ()
Published inMedieval MuddlesMy Books

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