J. Aaron Gruben grew up in the Southwest and currently lives in Texas with his wife and six children. He works full time as a veterinarian. He has been writing over 20 years and is the author of works of varied genres. An article about the Crusades inspired him to start writing historically accurate stories – especially on topics that have become either distorted by political or social bias or have been forgotten by today’s general public. The major goals of his writing are to bring honor to Christ and to edify, to entertain, and to educate readers.
One of J. Aaron Gruben’s major motivations in writing is to help demonstrate that a careful search through the dusty pages of history (augmented by a vivid imagination confined to the framework of real facts) can be every bit as exciting as the perusal of the most riveting fantasy novel. Truth, as they say, is indeed stranger than fiction. And by combining careful scholarship with imaginative storytelling, Aaron hopes to make truth much more interesting than pure fiction.
When not writing or repairing sick animals, Aaron enjoys reading, hiking, dancing with toddlers, yodeling, playing board games, and playing a variety of musical instruments. He travels to conventions with his publishing company, Post Tenebras Lux Books, which strives to improve lives and revitalize old truths through quality Christian stories and studies.
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