Chivalry in action, presented in graphic-rich novel glory!
A new kind of hero prowls the crime-infested streets of Washington, DC bringing the ancient code of chivalry to life in this hybrid novel/comic!
Witness the inception of a hero unlike any you’ve met before: the stalwart Supinator! He proves with every punch he’s a man who cares, a man who dares great deeds saner men don’t deign to do. Once a mild-mannered veterinarian, Tom Charger’s life is altered by a crippling (and highly unusual) disability. His new choice of career shakes society.
Joined by a stranded Chinese tourist, The Supinator sets out to right injustice and protect the weak on the dangerous streets of downtown DC. The world is about to witness the madness of a modern knight errant. But will that madness prove to be a miracle? As smaller crimes roll into a more terrible plot than anyone suspected, DC just might realize it sorely needs just such a hero!
“A man becomes more than a hero when he keeps on giving for someone else, with complete determination, in the face of any obstacle put out to stop him.”
“It is often the willingness to actually do the insane things that need doing which moves a man from mere hero status to superhero status.”